How to Prepare for a Road Trip

A road trip can make for a varied and exciting way to spend your downtime. You’ll be able to pack in several different locations into a single holiday, and have great fun taking in some of the best roads in whatever country you’re travelling through.

There are a few ways in which a road trip might go wrong. With a little preparation, however, you’ll be able to avoid them quite easily. So, what might this preparation look like?
Car maintenance
If the car you’re driving isn’t up to the job, then your trip might well grind to an untimely halt. As such, it’s a good idea to have a service carried out before you set out. Top up your fluids, including oil, screenwash and coolant. Make sure that you have enough fuel to keep you mobile. Letting it run low is asking for trouble.
There are certain technologies which might protect you against a mishap. Run-flat tyres, for example, come with sturdy sidewalls that will keep the car rolling even if you develop a puncture. They’ll save you the trouble of standing on the side of the road, waiting for the recovery vehicle. You’ll could get up to another fifty miles from a run-flat tyre, provided that you’re driving at 30mph. Enough to get you to a mechanic, and then back on the road again!
When you’re packing for a road trip, you might not have the luxury of space. As such, efficiency is paramount. Start your packing with plenty of time to spare, so that you’re not leaving anything to the last minute. If you find that you’re low on space, you can leave behind any space-consuming luxury items. It’s a good idea to make a list before you start – that way, you won’t be tempted to bend the rules to accommodate something superfluous.
Plan the route
If you know exactly where you’re going, then you’ll be less likely to get lost. A sense of spontaneity and adventure can be appealing – but it can get old quickly when you end up driving around in circles and wasting fuel in the process. When you’re devising your plans, make sure you plan several rest stops. Have a contingency in place if your chosen filling station is out of action.

Make a budget
If you have a budget to stick to, you’re less likely to overspend. If you don’t have a budget, on the other hand, overspending is nigh inevitable. Between fuel, accommodation and all the attractions you’ll be visiting, the cost of your trip can quickly escalate. If you know what you’re going to be spending ahead of time, then you won’t have to start scrimping toward the end of your trip.