My Trans Siberian Railway Trip #3: Novosibirsk
Well, I'm not gonna lie there is a lot to say about the Novosibirsk city. Maybe there are some awesome tourist attractions, but I wasn't able to find them. Meet the city where there was so much to do that we drove to the end of town to see a sausage monument and we even though it was fun. This is my third Trans-Siberian railway article, read also about the Moscow and Yekaterinburg.
Yeah, that's right, the sausage monument. But before we will get to that, I will try to describe a few more conventional tourist attractions.
The Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre
The first thing you will probably see after getting to the city center will be the symbol of Novosibirsk - the opera and the ballet theatre. It's the largest theatre in whole Russia, including famous Moscow Bolshoi Theatre.
There are some legends, that Soviet government built under the Opera a huge bomb shelter or even a whole underground city.
There is even an urban tale saying that there is an artificial underground lake beneath the Novosibirsk opera building that could be used as a drinking water's reserve. However, there is no evidence about any of these legends.
Novosibirsk Zoo
The Novosibirsk Zoo is known for breeding big cats, like tigers and lions. Bengal tigress and African lion seems to feel good in the Siberian climate. If you want to visit the Zoo, it's open seven days a week.
Novosibirsk Underground and Train Station
Either Train Station nor the Underground are not the tourist attractions worth to go especially to see it, but while visiting the city it's worth to pay attention to them. While being in the Novosibirsk Train Station Seyatel, it's nice to visit placed near the locomotive museum, where you can find more than 100 steam locomotives, diesel locomotives, and carriages, reflecting the history of rail transportation in Russia from pre-revolutionary times to the present day.
The Novosibirsk metro was built in some of the most unforgiving conditions as the land in this area is often frozen throughout the year. You should definitely visit the ultramodern Gagarinskaya station because it looks like a cosmos station or a rocket.
The Sausage Monument
Here we are! My most favorite Novosibirsk tourist attraction. After visiting train station (we got off from the Transsiberian train), visiting the Lenin Square with the Opera building and seeing Zoo, we got out of ideas what to see, so we get for a coffee and start to search for some attractions on the internet. The most interesting place was the sausage monument. So we found the bus and got to the opposite part of the city just to see it and make some fun.
Novosibirsk is important place on the Trans-Siberian Railway route, as it's an unofficial capital of Siberia. There are a few things you can see or visit here, but in my opinion spending here one day is totally enough. There are more interesting places ahead, so don't stay here too long.
If you have any questions or just want to leave me a message, feel free to leave me a comment in the section below.
Read the next article in this series:
My Trans Siberian Railway Trip #4: Irkutsk and Listvyanka-
Podróż do Rosji18th June 2018, 14:49
Who would have thought that Novosibirsk is the capital of Siberia! During my travels Novosibirsk did not look like anything and nothing like Siberia, only a lot later, the east and north began to be Siberian cold ... Still, it's true, a great travel blog, keep up! This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Kto by pomyślał, że Nowosybirsk to stolica Syberii! Podczas moich podróży Nowosybirsk nie wyglądał nic a nic jak Syberia, dopiero sporo później, na wschód i północ zaczęło się syberyjskie zimno... Mimo wszystko to jednak prawda, super blog podróżniczy, tak trzymać!
Fshoq!28th September 2018, 11:33
This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Wiadomo, ludzie słysząc słowo Syberia, wyobrażają sobie tą dziką i niedostępną północną Syberię. Nowosybirsk, zwany stolicą Syberii, to dopiero brama do tego niesamowitego świata :-)
Stolica Syberii21th June 2018, 15:43
Well, I would call Novosibirsk rather a church or gateway to Siberia, but the Capital of Siberia also sounds very nice :-) Super blog, best regards! This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: No cóż, ja bym Nowosybirsk nazwał raczej przemurzem czy bramą do Syberii, no ale Stolica Syberii też brzmi bardzo ładnie :-) Super blog, pozdrawiam!
Fshoq!28th September 2018, 11:34
This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Dziękuję za miłe słowa. Jest tak jak mówisz, choć dopiero podróż koleją transsyberyjską mi to uświadomiła. :-)
Karol17th July 2018, 09:28
I never thought that Novosibirsk is actually the capital of Siberia .. :-) By the way, a fantastic travel blog about Russia, a lot of interesting places and tourist attractions. This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Nigdy bym nie przypuszczał, że Nowosybirsk to rzeczywiście stolica Syberii.. :-) Swoją drogą fantastyczny blog podróżniczy o Rosji, mnóstwo ciekawych miejsc i atrakcji turystycznych.
Fshoq!28th September 2018, 11:35
This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Dzięki Karol! Kocham te tereny, dlatego starałem się w jak największych szczegółach opisać moją podróż koleją transsyberyjską i sam Nowosybirsk. :-)
Arkadiusz28th September 2018, 20:56
Welcome. How does it look like? Is it safe to go alone? How do you book places in one page and the other? I plan to visit my friends and spend about two weeks in Novosibirsk. This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Witaj. Jak wyglada taka podroz. Czy bezpiecznie jechac samemu? Jak z rezerwacja miejsc w jedna jak i druga strone? Mam w planach odwiedzic znajomych i spedzic w Nowosybirsku ok tygodnia moze dwoch.
Fshoq!1st October 2018, 09:08
This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Cześć Arkadiusz, jeśli chodzi o kolej transsyberyjską, to jest bardzo bezpiecznie (na każdy wagon przypadają dwie panie z obsługi). Jeśli zaś chodzi o samą Rosję, to w Jekaterinburgu próbowano nas okraść, tak poza tym obyło się bez ekscesów. Rezerwacja biletów na kolej transsyberyjską jest prosta, można to zrobić przez internet tutaj: Jeśli zaś chodzi o sam Nowosybirsk to mam nadzieję, że znajomi zajmą się Tobą i pokażą jakieś ukryte ciekawe miejsca czy atrakcje turystyczne - ja sam miałem ogromny problem z wynalezieniem takowych, przez co Nowosybirsk wydał mi się raczej nudnym miastem, gdzie po jednym dniu nie mogłem znaleźć nic ciekawego do zrobienia i zobaczenia. Jakbyś miał jeszcze jakieś pytania, pisz śmiało. Powodzenia w podróży! :-)
z Kyszyowki27th January 2019, 18:41
This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Nowosybirsk jedyne takie wspaniałe miasto gdzie znajduje się Barachołka. Dzięki barachołce i handlu powstała Stolica Syberyjskiego Hanatu Kahanatu Nowonikołajewsk. Zadrysiensk, Gusiny Bród, Rasszypiericha, Gadiukino - są wsi z którym powstała stolica. Kolywań, Dużym, Bierdsk, Liniowo , Barabinsk - mieście godny zwiedzania
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