Hiking Trolltunga, cliff above the fiord in Norway :: Tips and guide

Trolltunga Hike

Trolltunga rock, Norway

Trolltunga (The Troll's Tongue) is a small rock came off the majestic Skjeggedal mountain above the fiord with awesome panorama views. Hiking Trolltunga in Norway is not easy, so you will find here hike tips and travel guide.

You probably associate Trolltunga and it's characteristic view with many travel photos from all over the internet. This is because it's really wonderful place with an awesome panorama and it's definitely worth to visit.

Hiking to Trolltunga

Hiking to the Troll's Tongue it's not easy (23 kilometers both ways through the mountains), so it's much better to start in early in the morning in case you will want to spend some time resting.

Of course, if you come from Norway, you probably have nothing to worry about, because as you will see even old Norwegian people have a really good condition (probably because of all that mountains everywhere). Remember also to take some food with you, otherwise, you will have to eat blueberries only.

Mågelibanen, the funicular on the way to Trolltunga, Norway. Source: wikipedia.com.

The Mågelibanen Funicular

The Mågelibanen is the abandoned funicular line. By using its old wooden steps, you can get to the top of the mountains. I've heard, that the Mågelibanen Funicular is closed now, but when I was in Norway it was not.

At the beginning funicular was shallow incline, so it wasn't that hard, but after some time it turned upward and it started to be really challenging. All the way up took me about 50 minutes and my leg's muscles were really burning. There is an awesome view from the top, you can see it on the given photo.

There is also an alternative, normal way to the top, so you don't need to go by this abandoned funicular if you don't want to.


Ok, so you hiked to the top of the mountain using abandoned funicular steps. Just 10 kilometers more to get to Trolltungaha, and I'm already tired, ha!

Let's continue our hike. In your way to the Troll's Tongue, you will have to cross many streams and creeks and climb over boulders. Including some stops, you will need another 3 - 5 hours to get to Trolltunga, depending on your condition. But I think that wonderful views will reward you that long hike - just look at the photos below.

Views during the way to Trolltunga.
The way to the Trolls Tongue in Norway
The Trolls Tongue in Norway. Source: flickr.com.


You will notice when you will get Trolltunga. First of all, the views over the Troll's Tongue and out over the lake are amazing. Another thing is that there will probably be a lot of people there.

As I was alone there I didn't wait in the queue to stand on the Trolltunga's rock, but I guess people were waiting here more than 30 minutes (or even more) to stand on the ledge and wait for other ones to make them photos. There are other rocks with nice views onto  Kjeragbolten mountain.

This was the perfect place for me to sit a bit and take a rest because I was already a bit tired. The good information is that the way back is a bit faster and if you don't want to get down by funicular you can walk down a trail through the woods to the parking lot.

Travel tips

Here you can find some extra travel tips about how to get to Trolltunga, where is the best time to go there and how long the hike takes and how many kilometers it has.

How to get here?

You can find the famous Troll's Tongue just 13 kilometers from Odda, which is the small town in Hordaland country. The easiest way to get there is to drive by car. There is a car parking at the beginning of the hiking trail which costs about 200 NOK for 12 hours.

Way from Odda town to Trolltunga in Norway

When to go?

The main hiking season in Norway is from June to September, so it's probably the best time to go to Trolltunga. Going hiking other time can be dangerous and you shouldn't do this without a guide.

How long is the hike?

To get to the Troll's Tongue you will need minimum 10 hours (maybe even 12 hours) because you will have to hike 23 kilometers (on the way back) through the mountains. If you are really fast you can do this route in 8 hours, but I wouldn't count on it because it's a hard way.

Beautiful photo of Trolltunga during the sunset

Practical tourist information

  • You should take with you waterproof hiking shoes, plenty of food and water, sunscreen and of course a camera. You can also take a First Aid Kit.
  • The weather can change rapidly, so you should get a rain jacket.
  • Going abandoned funicular can be dangerous.
  • Car park cost 200 NOK for 12 hours.
  • You can camp anywhere on the track.
  • I'm not sure it's a good hike for kids, but I saw a few on the track.


Hiking Trolltunga in Norway is not easy, but the views are worth every step. This track is one of the best ways to feel real Norway with its fiords and mountains. Just remember to pack yourself properly, as it's a long way up and down.

I hope this travel guide and a few tips helped you. If you have some questions or advice, feel free to leave me a comment in the section below.

Wojciech Kuźma

Hey there! My name is Wojtek and I am very happy that you came to my travel blog. I've been traveling the world for a few good years now and I still want more.

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Comments: 17
  •   17th July 2017, 11:07

    Stunning ! Me and wife planned to visit Odda at the end of Feb 2018. I know the freezing weather is not favorite for hiking Trolltunga. But I found there is a guide company offering skiing or snowshoes for one day tour. Do you think this is possible for us to finish within daylight time on the snow? Me and wife know nothing about skiing. Thanks

  •   19th April 2018, 09:37

    Together with my family, we climbed the Troll's language (or all of this Trolltung) last summer and I have to admit that all these miles, though incredibly tiring, were worth defeating to end up hanging on the Troll's tongue over the abyss and beautiful Fjords. A very nice travel article. This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Wraz z rodzinką wspinaliśmy się na Język Trolla (czy całą tą Trolltungę) w zeszłe wakacje i muszę przyznać, że całe te kilometry, choć niesamowicie męczące, były warte pokonania, aby koniec końców zawisnąć na Języku Trolla nad przepaścią i pięknymi Fiordami. Bardzo fajny artykuł podróżniczy.

    •   19th April 2018, 09:40

      This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Mi najbardziej podobała się wspinaczka po schodkach opuszczonej kolejki linowej, choć z tego co słyszałem, nie da się już tego powtórzyć :-) Aczkolwiek mi również te 23 kilometry góra/dół przez fiordy dały się mocno we znaki.

  •   10th May 2018, 04:31

    Awesome! Its in fact awesome paragraph, I have got much clear idea on the topic of from this paragraph.

  •   2nd June 2018, 21:56

    Today, we went up the stairs next to a large pipe. A dangerous, rough and sharp impression. We went through the mountains along the lake to the troll's tongue. We noticed that going wild, the views were beautiful, all the way the lake snow-capped peaks, abandoned mine etc. We were returning along a trail that is located far from the lake, from which you can not see anything. So I recommend going to wilderness discovering new trails;) This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: W dniu dzisiejszym chodziliśmy po schodach obok dużej rury. Niebezpiecznie , pruchno i ostry wycisk. Poszliśmy przez góry wzdłuż jeziora aż do języka trola. Zauważyliśmy to że idąc na dziko widoki były piękne, całą drogę jezioro ośnieżone szczyty, opuszczona kopalnia itp. Wracaliśmy szlakiem który jest usytuowany daleko od jeziora , z którego nie widać nic . Tak więc polecam iść w dzicz przed siebie odkrywając nowe szlaki ;)

    •   3rd June 2018, 10:31

      This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Faktycznie czasem warto zboczyć odrobinę z udeptanego szlaku :-) Ja to zrobiłem podczas drogi powrotnej, choć z trochę mniej szczytnego celu... Zabrałem ze sobą za mało jedzenia i wracając z Języka Trolla polowałem na jagody :-) Niemniej widoki również były przednie.

  •   4th June 2018, 12:28

    Touche. Solid arguments. Keep up the good spirit.

  •   6th June 2018, 11:16

    A great guide and fantastic photos! The troll's language in Norway is indeed a unique tourist attraction, such a must-see traveler. Trolltunga has always been a dream for me, the more I am glad that in this holiday I managed to travel these 23 kilometers of the route :-) This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Świetny poradnik i fantastyczne zdjęcia! Język trolla w Norwegii to rzeczywiście atrakcja turystyczna jedyna w swoim rodzaju, takie podróżnicze must-see. Trolltunga była dla mnie marzeniem od zawsze, tym bardziej cieszę się, że w te wakacje udało mi się przebyć te 23 kilometry trasy :-)

    •   25th June 2018, 16:49

      This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Bardzo dziękuję :-) Język Trolla spokojnie mogłaby być jedynym powodem, dla którego warto by się było wybrać do Norwegii.

  •   18th June 2018, 14:27

    As I live in Norway, Trolltunga (or Troll's language there) is very well known to me and once in a while I go there on a journey. Nevertheless, each time the landscape looks different, even more beautiful. Despite a long climb and often many tourists you can feel like on a real trip! This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Jako, że mieszkam w Norwegii, to Trolltunga (czy tam Język Trolla) jest mi bardzo dobrze znany i raz na jakiś czas udaję się tam w podróż. Mimo tego za każdym razem krajobraz wygląda inaczej, jeszcze piękniej. Pomimo długiej wspinaczki i często wielu turystów można się poczuć jak na prawdziwej wyprawie!

    •   25th June 2018, 16:51

      This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Słyszałem, że warto wybrać się na Trolltungę wczesnym rankiem (lub też późną nocą), wtedy z samego rana o wschodzie słońca na Języku Trolla nie ma żadnych turystów i wtedy dopiero można zrobić świetne zdjęcia. Mam nadzieję, że kiedyś będę miał tę przyjemność :-)

  •   25th June 2018, 16:46

    Trolltunga is fantastic! It is true that in order to fully appreciate the Troll's language, you have to travel many kilometers in the mountains and have a good time, but it is worth the trip. In my opinion, the Troll's language is the best place in Norway. Of course, if we're not a couch type ;-) This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Trolltunga jest fantastyczna! Co prawda, aby w pełni docenić Język Trolla, trzeba przebyć wiele kilometrów po górach i nieźle się przy tym namęczyć, ale jest to warte podróży. Moim zdaniem Język Trolla jest najlepszym miejscem w całej Norwegii. Oczywiście jeśli nie jesteśmy typem kanapowca ;-)

    •   28th September 2018, 11:29

      This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Typ kanapowca raczej nie poważy się wędrować ponad 20 kilometrów po górach, aby nacieszyć oko widokiem Języka Trolla :-) Trolltunga sama w sobie to rzeczywiście piękne miejsce, jedno z moich ulubionych w Norwegii :-)

  •   4th July 2018, 08:36

    Trolltunga is definitely my favorite place in Norway. Fantastic and very interesting place! This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Trolltunga to zdecydowanie moje ulubione miejsce w Norwegii. Fantastyczne i bardzo ciekawe miejsce!

    •   28th September 2018, 11:30

      This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Zważywszy, że Język Trolla jest prawie na wszystkich plakatach związanych z Norwegią, to musi być prawda :-)

  •   17th July 2018, 09:17

    I loved climbing the Troll's language - a beautiful route, but also very tiring. Trolltunga is probably my favorite travel destination in Norway. This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Uwielbiałam wspinaczkę na Język Trolla - przepiękna trasa, choć również bardzo męcząca. Trolltunga to chyba był mój ulubiony punkt podróży po Norwegii.

    •   28th September 2018, 11:31

      This text was translated automatically. Original text is below: Zwykle wspinaczki mnie nie męczą, ale Trolltunga aka Język Trolla rzeczywiście był niemałym wyzwaniem :-)

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