Vitamins for skin health and beauty in summer
July, the long-awaited warmth, long sunny days and short nights. However, not everyone knows that the much-desired warm rays can carry some danger. Sunlight almost constantly affects a person, eventually damaging the deep layers of the skin, deep wrinkles are formed. UV radiation can be direct or indirect, and its intensity and associated risks depend on the time of year. That is why in the summer - during the period of maximum radiation strength - our skin is especially in dire need of in protection not only from the outside, but also from the inside.
Constant exposure to UV rays also causes a number of degenerative changes in the cells, connective tissue, and blood vessels of the skin, such as freckles, birthmarks, and brown pigmentation. UV radiation provokes oxidation in tissues, accelerates skin aging, and the gradual loss of elasticity leads to the formation of wrinkles, dryness and flaking.
Therefore, in the summer, it is important to be able to correctly select cosmetics for skin care, as well as vitamin preparations and supplements, in order to minimize seasonal risks.
Let's see what useful components of the funds we should pay close attention to in the season.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an excellent antioxidant that fights the negative effects of free radicals and slows down the aging process of the skin, renewing it. Also, ascorbic acid brightens, fights pigmentation and acne, stimulates the production of elastin fibers (increases firmness, elasticity and improves the appearance of the skin) and collagen.
Cosmetics with vitamin C perfectly moisturize the skin, enhancing the effectiveness of sunscreen products. You can also get a mobile IV in Miami to support your skin health. A beauty IV contains vitamin C and hydrates your skin for a naturally radiant glow.
Cons: contraindicated in people with diabetes, prone to allergic reactions and blood clots. Do not apply vitamin C products to damaged skin.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A (retinol) thickens the skin and removes peeling, accelerates the process of skin renewal and is involved in the formation of epithelial cells. With a lack of retinol, the skin loses elasticity, becomes fragile, pale and prone to peeling. Retinol is convenient for superficial application: small fat-soluble molecules easily penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.
Cons: Not recommended for use on damaged or irritated skin.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E (tocopherol) slows down aging and restores the skin, accelerating its regeneration; protects the skin and the body as a whole from free radicals, strengthens blood vessels, keeps red blood cells from premature decay - so the skin stays healthy longer. Tocopherol also tightens the skin, restores its structure and helps fight pigmentation. Dark circles and puffiness become smaller. Vitamin e capsules are often recommended by cosmetologists and dermatologists, since it is impossible to get the required amount from food alone.
With a lack of vitamin E in the body, the absorption of vitamin A worsens. That is why it is optimal to take them in pairs. The skin will signal a lack of vitamins A and E with dryness, breakouts, pallor or redness, and premature signs of aging.
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) improves skin elasticity, effectively fights fine wrinkles and irritations. Thiamine has an antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect, and participates in the synthesis of connective tissue elements. All this helps to maintain the natural condition of the skin.
Cons: allergic reactions are possible: itching, urticaria, dermatitis.
Vitamin B7 (H, biotin) is the “beauty vitamin”, one of the most popular assistants in maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails. It visibly improves the complexion and makes the skin supple. Being a coenzyme involved in almost all metabolic processes in the body, it normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, delivers sulfur to the skin tissues, and also protects against the appearance of redness and flaking.
Cons: like other B vitamins, it can cause allergic reactions: itching, hives.
Omega-3 fatty acids have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, smooth out hormonal surges, and reduce the likelihood of skin peeling. Omega-3s are powerful antioxidants that neutralize reactive oxygen atoms that are dangerous to the skin, which are formed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Omega 3 no poses help to break down collagen, help the skin retain its elasticity and reduce the likelihood of early wrinkles.
The spectrum and effectiveness of the effects of PUFAs on the body are directly dependent on the dose, so it is recommended to maintain the level of consumption of Omega-3 in the region of 1000 mg / day.
Collagen is represented by an amino acid sequence assembled into a polypeptide chain. Its threads, fibrils, are twisted into a spiral, fastened with crosslinks. Due to this structure, it has low stretch and high strength. With age and under the influence of negative factors (for example, UV radiation), a decrease in the level of collagen and elastin leads to the formation of wrinkles in the skin. Collagen fibers lose their elasticity, become coarser and thicker. Fabrics lose elasticity, sag - wrinkles appear.
To compensate for the lack of collagen, for example, the complex of hyaluronic acid, vitamins and collagen will help. And for the impact "on all fronts" doctors also recommend the collagen series.
Do not forget that vitamin C helps collagen to be better absorbed, so in this case, a comprehensive offer will be the best option.
Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid has the ability to attract and retain water, thereby providing elasticity to the skin frame and strengthening it. Getting on the surface of the epidermis, it forms a film that prevents the evaporation of moisture and at the same time protects against aggressive environmental factors. With good skin hydration, such important components of its matrix as collagen and elastin are actively synthesized.
Their production begins to slow down after the age of 25 - partly due to a lack of hyaluronic acid. When hyaluronic acid is taken orally and applied externally, the skin becomes fresh, less vulnerable, wrinkles are smoothed out, dullness disappears.
An additional source of hyaluronic acid will be the Complex of hyaluronic acid, vitamins and collagen. An excellent tool for maintaining optimal skin condition are thermal waters, which perfectly moisturize and cool the delicate skin of the face, neck and décolleté.
Properly selected care will help maintain the health and beauty of the skin in any weather and at any time of the year.