Tag: Jungle

On this page you can see all the entries with a Jungle tag.

Peru guide: When and how to travel cheaply? Prices and costs.

Peru is a beautiful country with many tourist attractions and interesting places, but planning trip on your own can cause some trouble. For this reason, this tourist guide to Peru was created, where I will explain when to fly here, how to travel cheaply and what are the prices and costs. Read more...

How to find the best villa in Costa Rica

So, you've decided to treat yourself by taking that dream vacation to Costa Rica? Good decision. In this travel guide, I will show you how to find the best villa in that gorgeous country.  Read more...

Exploring Brazil #4: Manaus, Amazon River and Jungle

We are now getting deeper into Brazil, to the city of Manaus, the gate to the Amazon Jungle. We will have a boat trip through the Amazon River to see the Meetings of Waters, we will get into the Amazon Jungle and visit such great places in Manaus like Teatro Amazonas, Manaus Port, Mercado Adolpho Lisboa, Amazonas Jazz Festival or Bosque da Ciencia. Read more...