Why It's Important To Stop Using Plastic Water Bottles

Many people are unaware of how dangerous it can be to use water bottles made from plastic. When you drink out of a bottle, the material used in the bottle will leach chemicals into your body. These chemicals can cause hormonal imbalances and disrupt your endocrine system. It's important to stop using these water bottles and drink water that is packaged in glass or aluminum instead because they don't contain harmful chemicals that could potentially harm your health. 

Why It's Important To Stop Using Plastic Water Bottles

Harmful Chemicals

When you store water in plastic bottles, harmful chemicals are transferred into your drinking water. These chemicals can cause everything from hormonal imbalances to obesity, diabetes, and even cancer. The people behind Iron Flask Inc. say that it is much better and healthier to drink water that is packaged in glass or aluminum instead. These bottles not only help you stay healthy, but they are also sustainable and will last for over 500 years.

The reason why water bottles from other materials than plastic are better is because of the chemicals they contain. Plastic bottles made from BPA, PETE, and PC leach harmful chemicals such as phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA). These chemicals have been linked to obesity, diabetes, cancer, autism, infertility in women and men, low sperm count, and quality in men.

In addition to that, these plastics also contain toxic metals such as lead or chromium which can cause degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease.

Saving the Money

Another reason why you should stop using plastic water bottles is that it saves you money. If you are buying mineral water or filtered water, then these alternatives to single buy plastic bottles are much cheaper in the long run. Not only will you save your health but also your pocket.

For example, you can compare the price of a pack of 16 oz. glass water bottles and a pack of 24 oz. plastic water bottles, which both cost $10 at major retailers such as Amazon or Walmart. The pack of 24 plastic water bottles costs about $0.42 per bottle while the pack of 16 glass water bottles costs about $0.13 per bottle - that's less than half the price! This proves how it is more economical to buy bottled water in reusable glass containers rather than single-use plastic ones.

Are Better for the Environment

Something else that is important about plastic bottles is how long they last and how harmful they are to the environment.  If they are not disposed of properly, these bottles end up in our oceans and on the streets where they eventually break into microplastics that are harmful to birds, fish, turtles, whales, or even plankton. If you care about the environment then stop using plastic water bottles because glass or aluminum ones are much more sustainable materials.

It is also important to note that recycling plastic takes a lot of valuable resources and energy - especially since only a small percentage of plastic is recycled. For example, it takes around 3 times as much water and 4 times as much electricity as it does to produce new materials such as glass or aluminum. Glass and aluminum don't cause any harm to humans or animals so if you want to be eco-friendly, then you should stop using plastic water bottles.

Convenience Factor

One more benefit of taking up this habit is that it is easy and convenient. A reusable bottle can be carried anywhere at any time without any problem. All you have to do is just fill the bottle with some cold tap water before leaving for work or school and then enjoy fresh cool drinking water throughout the day without spending money on expensive bottled drinks.

With a reusable bottle, you don't have to worry about where to purchase drinking water from or whether there is a store nearby. You can take your bottle with you anywhere and just refill it wherever you want. And not only is this habit better for the environment but also for your wallet since it saves you from spending money on expensive drinks that usually contain sugar and other additives.

Stop using plastic water bottles

If you are looking for a way to stay healthy and save money, stop using plastic water bottles. These harmful chemicals can cause hormonal imbalances and disrupt your endocrine system. It's important to drink water that is packaged in glass or aluminum instead. This habit will also help you save money since there is no need to purchase expensive drinks with sugar on the go- just carry your reusable bottle!

Therefore, you should stop using plastic water bottles because you will save yourself and help the environment.

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