Important Things To Know Before Undertaking A Fox Eye Lift

The Fox Eye Lift is becoming an increasingly popular procedure for many individuals who are looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin in the eye area. This minimally invasive cosmetic surgery varies from patient to patient, but generally speaking, it involves the removal of excess fat, muscle and skin tissue to tighten up the surrounding areas.

Do you know what to expect before undergoing a Fox Eye Lift? Below we'll take a look at 6 important things you should know about these rejuvenating procedures.

It's called an eye lift for a reason...

Fox Eye Lift was first introduced in 1988 by Dr. Bernardo Schilling, a world-renowned plastic surgeon who has a vast amount of experience performing this surgery. Dr. Schilling also received a degree from Harvard Medical School, so he has always been well-respected in his field. A fox eye lift is an eyelid lift procedure used to rejuvenate the eye area by removing excess fat, skin, and muscle tissue. This surgery will improve your appearance and make it easier for your eyes to open fully. 

The best candidates for a fox eye lift are people who have excess fat, skin, and muscle tissue around their eyes. Typically, those who undergo this surgery tend to be middle-aged or older, and often these individuals notice that they cannot open their eyes sufficiently because of this excess tissue.

What to Expect During Healing

To ensure successful healing from a fox eye lift, several points must be noted during recovery: 

  • You may experience bruising or swelling around your eyes which could last up to two weeks. 
  • It is important to note that you should avoid rubbing, touching, or massaging the eyes during this healing period because doing so could cause bruising or infection.

 Dr. Schilling also recommends that patients wear sunglasses that provide UV protection to prevent discoloration of the sclera (white part of the eye). It is important to follow your post-operative instructions carefully to ensure a healthy recovery from the procedure.

For your fox eye lift procedure to be successful, doctors recommend that you bring someone else with you during recovery who can drive you home after the procedure has been performed. Your procedure will last approximately two hours and will include numbing of the skin around your eyes as well as an under-eye socket incision. After this, excess fat and excess skin will be removed before muscle removal or tightening begins. A bandage contact lens will then be placed on your eyes, which will remain there for up to two weeks following surgery. Be sure to follow any specific instructions provided on the day of your procedure to ensure the healing process goes as planned.

Potential Risks and Complications 

You may experience excessive swelling or infection following your fox eye lift, but these complications are rare if you adhere to all post-operative instructions provided by your physician. Although there is a risk that excess fat or muscle will be removed during your procedure, specialists have perfected this technique over years of surgical experience so that minimal amounts of tissue are removed during surgery. This way, you can have an attractive eyelid lift without looking 'operated on.'

Fox Eye Lift Cost 

The fox eye lift costs approximately $3,000-$5000 depending on factors including the amount of skin removal and any other additional procedures that you choose to have performed during your surgery. You may be interested in researching your financial options to see if you have the money saved up in advance. 

The more time you spend looking at different options, you may want to procrastinate on making a decision. Don't let uncertainty about money keep you from living your life. Let people help, or save up for it yourself. Either way, it's worth it.

View Before and After Photos 

Before you are certain and have a consultation with your aesthetician, make sure you do the needed research for the recommended procedure. It is important to carefully consider whether you are ready for a fox eyelift. A potential consideration is what type of support system you have in place to make sure you don't experience any complications. Before undergoing the procedure, it's important to think about both your physical and mental readiness for this surgery. 

It's also worth checking the before and after photos of other people on the internet to fully see what the end result looks like.

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