7 Lucrative Ideas if You're Looking for a Travelling Job

7 Lucrative Ideas if You're Looking for a Travelling Job

Traveling the world while earning an income is the dream of many folks worldwide. You get to see the world interact with local customers and, all while earning your way through the vast maze that is life. However, if you are searching for something a little more lucrative than your average "I was a bar person in the Costa Del Sol for a month" kind of position, you will need to utilize your faculties a little more.

7 Lucrative Ideas if You're Looking for a Travelling Job

Nonetheless, you've come to the right place as this post will explore seven exciting career paths you can choose that will earn you the big bucks and perhaps take you to places unknown.

Utilize Current Abilities To Assist Your Search

This first option isn't a job per se but rather a tip on beginning your search. In order to earn a specific amount of money, you must have a set of highly desirable skills that are currently in demand. This could be medical, IT, or creative, but the idea is to know what you're good at (and qualified to practice) and then lean into that. If you have a background in medicine, for instance, you can go now and search for available positions in your field using a dedicated job board. This will be true regardless of your expertise, primarily because it is important to use specialized job portals rather than generic ones. These will yield not only better results but also those that might involve travel.

Freelance Writing For Travel Magazines

Now, we move on to the job-specific ideas that might be of interest. Although not all travel journos will travel the world spinning stories of their encounters with wild animals and ropey cuisine, it can lead to these situations. In most cases, you will have to start at the bottom until you have proven yourself a worthy storyteller. Moreover, start pay isn't usually all that great, but once you start to hit your stride, you will find more and more exciting opportunities coming across your desk to take advantage of.

Foreign Language Interpreter Or Translator

This option only works if you are fluent in a selection of valuable languages. Furthermore, you need to understand that knowing several languages a translator does not automatically make. In most cases, you will need to go through some kind of formal training to achieve certification that states your ability not merely to translate languages but also to interpret. Nonetheless, it can be a lucrative position to hold, and if you happen to speak a less commonly used language, you could find yourself traveling off to far-flung reaches of the globe to assist with NGO or other agency work.

Cruise Ship Staff Position

It's laborious, repetitive, and has extended hours. That doesn't sound great, right? However, what it lacks in some areas, it makes up for in others. Notably, being able to travel the seven seas to some of the most exciting places on earth while getting paid to do so is the dream of many. Moreover, because you are assigned meals and lodging, you will discover that you don't end up spending all that much of your salary aside from the occasional treats and toiletries, etc.

This post will explore seven exciting career paths you can choose that will earn you the big bucks and perhaps take you to places unknown.

Professional Photographer Or Videographer

As with some of the other options in this list, you might not get to travel immediately in this profession, but when you get to a certain level, the opportunities come thick and fast. One week, you could be documenting a wedding in Tora Bora, and the next week, find yourself snapping pics of a new hotel opening in the Florida Keys! Just remember that you have to build up a significant rep to capture all the best travel possibilities out there.

Become A Tour Leader

A travel leader is a designated person who accompanies travel groups when they go on tour around the world. The company you work for and the prestige of the tour will all dictate how much you're paid, but the very nature of the position means that you will often visit some of the most beautiful places on the planet. Realize that it is a lot of work and that your reputation depends on the satisfaction of your customers. Nonetheless, if you do a good job, you can also clean up on tips!

Train To Be A Pilot!

The final occupation might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's perhaps the most guaranteed to provide you with regular travel. You must spend a large amount of money and time training, but once entirely up to code, you can pilot anything from international commercial airlines to bush aircraft departing to and from some of the hairiest runways you could imagine. The pay isn't half bad either!

Making money in a job that includes traveling might seem like a pipedream, but with a little lateral thinking, you will find it's not as challenging as you first thought. You will probably have to start out in a lowly position, but as you prove yourself and rise through the ranks, better and more expansive opportunities will become available to you.

Wojciech Kuźma

Hey there! My name is Wojtek and I am very happy that you came to my travel blog. I've been traveling the world for a few good years now and I still want more.

On my website I describe the adventures that have happened to me, you will also find here a collection of valuable tips for tourists and travelers. If you liked this article, be sure to leave a comment and read some more!

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